The best ingredients of our recipes? Our values
The values in which we believe characterize our behaviors and inspire our people. They are our best ingredients, the secret of our success.
Putting heart and soul into the excellence of our products
Overcoming challenges to move forward
Listening humbly to find innovative solutions
Working together towards a common future
Being transparent in respect to people and the planet
Our behavior as Barilla People
Each one of us in Barilla is personally responsible for supporting the values and the principles that reflect the commitment of Barilla to an ethical and responsible way of doing business.
Code of Ethics
The Barilla Code of Ethics is a set of guiding principles that describes our corporate culture, the values in which we recognize ourselves and inspire all of the company’s activities worldwide to respect and protect the interests of all individuals and the planet in which we live.
Whistleblowing System
To protect our People and our corporate culture, in compliance with the principles and rules established by the Codes, Policies and the law, we have implemented a Whistleblowing System through which it is possible to report incorrect conduct, with the guarantee of maximum confidentiality and the absence of any form of retaliation.
Our way of doing business
Every day we commit to bringing ever tastier, safer products, with a more balanced nutritional profile, to tables around the world: and we are convinced that what makes our products good is also the care we take to improve and innovate our production processes to reduce the impact on the planet.
Nutrition & Wellbeing
Good food builds stronger communities.
Sustainable sourcing
Stronger communities grow a better future.