We use only quality wheats
Being the largest pasta producer is a strong responsibility: that is why we select only the best quality durum wheat in the world, cultivated in the most sustainable way and consistent with our only way of doing business, caring for people and the planet.
In all geographies in which we produce our pasta, we work with local farmers to develop the value chain in terms of quality and economic, environmental and social sustainability. We do it by applying the Barilla Sustainable Farming Code and by developing good agronomical practices with local research centers and universities.
Barilla pasta is good and safe. All the durum wheat we purchase, irrespective of its origin, undergoes a careful selection and strict controls carried out by the company, independent laboratories and regulatory bodies to check compliance with our quality parameters and with the high food safety standards in force in Italy and Europe.
Durum wheat projects are particularly advanced in Italy, where we have started our cooperation with millers, farmers and cooperatives in the 1990s, adding along the way elements such as supply chain contracts and investments in digitization and innovation.
In 2019, this journey allowed us to sign a memorandum with the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, in which the Group committed to further increase its purchasing of Italian durum, and to achieve an extraordinary result: for the classic pasta formats destined to the Italian market, we use 100% Italian wheats, selected among the best varieties and characterized by an elevated protein content, an high gluten quality, a golden yellow color and a low content of ashes.
Support for rural areas, care for local communities, reduction of the environmental impact through the adoption of sustainable practices. These are some of the ten principles which constitute the Barilla Durum Wheat Manifesto, a document including all of the Company’s commitments towards for a high quality pasta produced in a responsible way.
Non-GMO ingredients
Barilla has decided to adhere to the precautionary principle and therefore not to use genetically modified ingredients, guaranteeing non-use of GMOs for all its branded products.
Animal Welfare
In line with our only way of doing business, caring for people and the planet, we pay great attention to animal welfare, which is essential for responsible and sustainable supply chains.
Our support to communities
Supporting non-profit organizations close to communities in need is a concrete commitment for Barilla.
Sustainable Packaging
We have always paid close attention to our packaging, both in the design phase of new solutions and in the constant improvement of the packages already developed.